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Posture Care After Work:
This simple routine balances your body at the end of your day.
A few minutes of your time will spare you from potentially debilitating pain in the decades ahead.
2 sets of 30-60s is enough to make a difference.
Many pain and posture problems are preventable.
Your tissues break down after years of collected stiffness and weakness reach a critical point.
This routine will protect you from the muscular impact of an inactive day.
Upkeep your body in less than five minutes:
Mobility tip - Stretch before you go to bed.
You rid yourself of all of your day’s tension and summon your calming nervous system, a manual shut down.
5-10 minutes and you will go to bed more relaxed, especially if combined with breathing exercises.
People who sit most of the time live with their hips closed.
Your legs rarely have to support you and eventually lose the tone to do so.
Strengthen the back of your thighs to open up your hips
Hold this position for 30-60s/leg at the end of your seated day.
The Sphinx is for people with forward head postures.
You lack the strength to keep your skull in place and that stresses the rest of your spine.
Hold the pose for 2 minutes.
Look straight ahead, deep breaths
Lift your head back where it belongs.
Bodies fall apart when they lack the strength and mobility to hold a Deep Squat.
Your compromised frame attracts pain and injury.
I’ve met too many adults over the years who failed to hold the position.
Practice your Deep Squat to spare yourself from future torments.
This pose is for people who sit most of the time.
The Reverse Plank (Purvottanasana) will bring life back into the backside of your body.
I see many fail because they lack shoulder mobility have weak posterior muscles.
Hold for a minute or two to save your hips.
Two exercises for chronic jaw clenchers:
1) Apply pressure under your chin with your thumb as you open your mouth. Repeat 6-10x.
2) Press 2 fingers on your TMJ, and one on your chin as you open your mouth. Repeat 6-10x.
Do these exercises every night before bed.
Many lower leg issues stem from negligence.
Your ankles stiffen because you never move them through a full range of motion.
Do these rotations daily to prevent pain and restrictions down the line.
15 clockwise circles
15 c-clockwise circles
Repeat 3x