

wait... what?

they/her - biace - Aries - b.1984 - tired millennial - goblin dirt farmer - your weird cousin

フォロー数:145 フォロワー数:17

eh.... i can only handle having one semi popular post every few years. 2000 (it won an award on Elfwood, so i count it) > 2006 (i had to take these comics off of DA because they clogged my inbox) > 2011 (+11K notes on Tumblr about Troll Hair)

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> paintberri > comic style > drawing study

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kol familiars from paintberri

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some of my old Kingdom of Loathing familiars, done on Tegaki-e back in like 2013-15 ish. i have the whole set on my dA account (TE only had one layer and an opaque brush to work with)

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.... all of them done on 'cause it seems i don't use PS for things other than comics any more. (Humming bird: Feb 7th, Lotor: April 29th, Tropical Fish: Oct 2nd)

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just a couple comparison/art improvement drawings. Tegaki-E in 2011 vs. in 2017/18

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"It works with little children too." (if you'd seen this one floating around on twitter before is because i asked someone else to post it for me, i didn't have a twitter until like today)

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