

📖 Manhwa 👀 Series📱LADSㅣ All genre but mostly BL ㅣ Not spoiler free

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If you see this tweet, quote it with 4 pics that expose your taste in men… https://t.co/jkf5hVRJaa

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Love how their relationship progressed. This chapter really makes me smile 🥰❤️

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Suddenly the mood changes 😅❤️

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I’m dying rn 😭😭😭 this episode really broke my heart 💔
Yuri’s father is abusive. My baby 😢

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Cirrus can I put you in my pocket? 😌

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It hurts so bad😭😭😭

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Yuri looks terrible 😭 but he’s gonna go to school in the next chapter. I would like to see how Seonwoo will react 🤬 and we have to wait for next Wednesday again ohh my 😢

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I miss Yohan and Moogyeong 💕

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So beautiful ❤️

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