

I am nobody.

フォロー数:554 フォロワー数:2003

I am awake. And hungry. GM nft fam.

1 6

"Sunset at the Lake" uses my drawing as a starter, but i added emotions and textures to the prompt, and changed the ar to 16:9

0 2

Sunset at the Lake # 2, also using my drawing as a starter, but this time using quotation marks around "sunset at the lake"

1 4

Good Morning artists, explorers, and scammers.

The time is 6:50 and I am back at it.

How y'all doing?

3 15

The Ai-Art Explorer

1 6

I prompted these months ago and then forgot about them. Well I lost them in MJ lol.

My head hurts, GN.

1 6

Don't Forget Your Fucking Ego Selfie

0 7