nabo ✨ currently iaさんのプロフィール画像

nabo ✨ currently iaさんのイラストまとめ

🇮🇩 • she/her • 02L • (supposed to be) an art acc (but the artist is too lazy) ಠ⁠︵⁠ಠ…

フォロー数:829 フォロワー数:420

i drew fem!mahito with a slightly shorter hair (i liked it this way haha)

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hi guys !!! still getting the raya vibes ? ✨ well here's mini ori trio with their tetupats, hahaha 😂 they are sooo cute, aren't they ??? 😩❤️

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what expression should i wear today❓😆😡🤢🥶🤡

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ada yg muk nglanjutin gx, jjur gw pEGEL

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—Crystal Tears *°•

hi, udah lama ya aku ga post di sini? bukannya ga suka gambar lagi, tapi sekarang...buat bangun dari tempat tidur aja susah banget. lagi capek dikontrol sama sesuatu yg bukan aku, yg bikin aku gabisa ngapa2in, pdhl byk yg hrs dikerjain. maaf ya :(

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Hello !!! My name is Nabo. I like girls and cute things, so i draw cute girls :D
I'm still learning a lot, and I hope we all can be friends! Hehe ❤️✨

this is my Instagram, let's follow each other!

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selamat pagi art twitter, hari ini juga tetap semangat dan bahagia selalu ya! ⭐💕🏀✨💙

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