

rofan, modern manhwa & shoujo manga 🤍

フォロー数:250 フォロワー数:2339

mystical merch pun ada :0

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new romance 101 merch 🤩
(webtoon singer goods event)

acrylic block, notebook and pin badge

0 18

hi if anyone interested to purchase <lullaby of dawn> limited edition manga vol.4 in KR can dm me before tomorrow!

💰 rm 65 exclude 2nd payment
✈️ intl shipping around rm 10-20
inclusions: bookmark, standee, booklet

0 9

one room angel by harada in ch ver (manhua) the inclusions looks interesting,,

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comelnya claude chibi blur blur camni ahsshsh

0 1

print extra for this! if anyone nak, rm 4 1st payment ~ not in hand

1 4

help rt ~ 🇲🇾
🗡 My Secretly Hot Husband x Mofun Cafe Collaboration [walk-in purchase by proxy]

⏰ 02/02/23 || 10 PM

1️⃣💰 RM 16 - 97
2️⃣💰 domestic kr + intl shipping + j&t/poslaju/dhl

📋 https://t.co/OCZQbskkf8

🖤 read form first before asking anything

12 9

<my secretly hot husband> cafe collaboration merchhhh 😭👍🏼

3 15


below picture ada 2 pic (ada no kat gambar tu) so wajib print 2 gambar tu! and tengok date dia 21/1 pukul 3pm KST so boleh print, and size dia 4*6 RM 4 but since dia ada 2 pic soooo RM 8. also state nak berapa set ><

4*6 RM 4
6*8 RM 8
exclude intl shipping

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