Re-spect: A Namgi Zine 💛 Leftover sales!さんのプロフィール画像

Re-spect: A Namgi Zine 💛 Leftover sales!さんのイラストまとめ

A zine about Namgi's anniversaries and milestones, be it big events or little memories 🐨🐱💙 A project by @cookiezines

フォロー数:48 フォロワー数:824

Only 3 days left to fill out the interest check, Namgi Nation! Be sure to fill it out and help us create an amazing zine!


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Channel your inner Namjoon and write us a lyrical application before intern mod apps close in 24 hours!

Meanwhile, there's only ONE (1) week left before our interest check closes so make sure to fill that out in the tweet below:

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Thinking about applying as an intern mod? Yoongi would tell you to give it your best shot! Submit an application before May 16th, 11:59pm KST.


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💙 Intern Applications💙

If you love Namgi and are interested in zine modding, this is the time to show off your passion like this iconic rapper-producer duo does! Apps are open until May 16th, 11:59pm KST.


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📌 Intern Applications open in 3 days 📌

Our Carrd has been updated with a handy set of Intern guidelines and things to note for anyone interested in joining us and learning how to mod a zine! Take a look and save the date to apply as an intern 📝


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💙 Interest Check 💙

Namgi Nation, it's time!! Tell us how much you love Namgi and what you want to see from our project by filling out our interest check 🎁 The form will be open until May 22nd, 11:59pm KST 🕺🕺


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🎶 We keep all the party in this room all night 🎶 and Teddy is definitely here to liven it up! 🐀 Our charming art and communications mod will make everyone excited with their overflowing enthusiasm, delightful art, and uplifting presence!

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🎶 You don’t need to be warm or cold 🎶 to appreciate how hot Cara is! 🥂 As our lovely social media mod and writing mod, she'll be feeding the flames of our Namgi obsession with nothing but the sharpest wordplay and suavest writing.

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🎶 Out of all of my wonder, you’re the answer 🎶 ...and we call her Birdie ! 🥀 As our finance, production, and shipping mod, she'll be responsible for ensuring that our printed project is picture perfect (And if it's anything like Birdie herself, it certainly will be!)

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If you know Gaj , you'll know that they're 🎶 happiness to someone and the soul to another 🎶 —and are most certainly both for us! 🌌 Filled with innovative style and countless skills, our fabulous art and graphics mod will sweep you off your feet.

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