

in all timelines, in all possibilities... only you...

フォロー数:353 フォロワー数:348

guys help i saw a woman so beautiful i started crying??

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(wip) omg miss ewiwa im love u

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psst it’s still the 20th in my time zone so happy bday mysta!! made this for the mystacord birthday project, and i’m so glad he liked the videos!! everyone worked hard, it was so fun :)

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this is a mysta enjoyers only zone (also a callout to mysta himself bc sometimes he doesnt think he's worth it D:<)

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haha made mysta my phone lockscreen so i can see his cute :3 whenever i want and then i can go :) and then we’re twinning

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never had this many likes before (does this image count as )

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also here's a transparent no version as well (curse u twitter for forcing me to resize this)

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i dont usually get motherly but.... hand it over

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girl help why does luca have mysta's name on his standee and vice versa

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me when the he when i the you when you

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