

本命們:#Seulgi🐻 & #Gahyun🦊/CP: #seulrene🐻🐰🇹🇼樂比&森nia~業餘嗑糖小粉絲🔍喜歡畫圖、剪片🎬會一點韓文(⚠不吃大三角 某易ky的cp粉勿關注!)🌈本帳➡️瑟琪/70=阿瑟/中字/RV+佳泫/繪圖+小廢文🔗其他網站:B站/WB🍖翻想翻的中字🚫二傳謝謝!

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I love them.💖🧡
Wait with respect ✊🏻

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Maybe we should NOT blame k-luvies or Changmo...(When psycho finally got few days ago,this singer congratulated us.)

Cause we all do our best,don’t we?
is strong,then we have to be more stronger than that song.
Keep streaming,don’t give up.
We can make it.

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