

Nic(ole), illustrator & cosplayer. PhD in Harry Ordism, masters in Cronicle Asherism, idiot about everything else. 日本語の投稿には機械翻訳を使用しています。Private @CronicleArmonia

フォロー数:76 フォロワー数:455

Dianna's fanboy is about to face the biggest and possibly most butthurt Dianna-hater. WHO WILL SURVIVE?

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Don't get in the way of a hot-blooded Moonrace, his waifu and the girl who looks just his waifu!

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The water's choppy, but it's okay. We're still sailing~

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These two really redeem themselves in this episode with their loyalty to Dianna.

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When you combine
The voice of DIO
The hair of Kars
The face of Tommy Wiseau
Steroids and too much vidya
You get Gym Ghingham.

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Seems more like he's trying to make a fool out of you, Ladderum.

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Best part of this episode, hands down. 😂

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I kinda wish they did take Harry hostage since it'd be hilarious watching these Earther morons try to contain a superior Moonrace.

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