

Hi, call me Nao/Alva| ENG/ESP | I Draw 🤨| 20| c: | settphel- phelbowl! - tartali - xiaoeather |
puede que te pertube
NSFW /minors go away

フォロー数:527 フォロワー数:75



I know my account is mainly s3tt/ph3l but yesterday I did a redraw and it turn out lovely.

Is yuichiro from Owari and from the story of shame of yeye-chan in wattpad.

Just wanted to share.

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Ok! Busque mucho entre mis me gusta y estos dibujos me gustan mucho + todos los sett phel alune chikitos
Me gustan muchos así como ya están pero seria lindo ver que cambios les harias ahora despues de tanto.

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Diluc! I actually think that diluc isn't that build but his arms are.


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This is the drawing for
I actually like how it looks.

No se grabar el proceso de dibujo pero fue sacando varias fotos en el proceso que luego publicaré en un hilo.

Hope you like it
Even if i don't win, i have fun and learn a lot. Thank you for this.

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Un dibujo de diluc que aun me falta renderizar, enjoy!

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Actually I was going to finish the paint of all three but I want opinions.

Eclipse aphelios of

Which one do you like more?

I use as base old splash arts of aphelios, talon and MF.

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