

akun suka-suka. otpnya banyak (kny 🌊🎴 🌪🐍 | arknights 👼🔥 | tkrv 🈁️🐶 🚔🎋 | pararai 🇰🇷🇷🇺 | plv 💓💙 | atz 🐰🐿 |bllk 🦉🦞 | windbre 🫖🌸 | K8 📖🎮

フォロー数:290 フォロワー数:323

is now over! I forgot to update my own thread but y'all can check on the initial masterpost. Thank you everyone for joining and i hope we can create an actual ExeFlame week someday ༼;´༎ຶ ۝ ༎ຶ༽

Art by my amazing friend

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halo shipper exeflame yang berdomisili di indonesia, saya sedang mengadakan fan event yang bisa dicek di sini: silakan tanya2 di docnya atau langsung mention user ini

art by

23 26

Compiled all the new expression and I have to wonder wHY IORI'S VISUAL DONE THE BIGGEST IMPACT TO ME T_T T_T T_T <3 <3

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