Naps Makes Artさんのプロフィール画像

Naps Makes Artさんのイラストまとめ

@naptimehtx art | He/Him. || Floating Island Enthusiast|| I draw OCs and Dragon Ball/Sonic/Misc. Fanart. || You raise me up, @opalspitfire! 💜

フォロー数:181 フォロワー数:1243

New OC jus dropt

Duna the Cat - CEO of HEXAeco Technology, building a brighter, healthier tomorrow.

Her weaponry is built from Eggman scraps left behind by Team Sonic all over Grand Metropolis during Sonic Heroes. Deadly, but environmentally friendly!

27 92

can this be the next big thing?? lol

22 100

I'unno what's going on here at but you should follow me for sonic art and discussion on twitter

8 17

Igniting a new transformation with the use of the Sol Emeralds, Solar Sonic is born!


21 101

9. Favorite Piece of Official Art

I've always loved this one. Sonic can't swim, but that won't stop him from enjoying the beauty of the water and the ocean... A floatie and a lifejacket just in case, lmao

0 5

audience is asleep post art

18 80