

フォロー数:639 フォロワー数:292

Yeah it’s normal anyways you’re going to recover soon 🙄🤙

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It’s gonna pass you soon it’s normal 🙄💅

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Goodnight going to sleep even if it’s 5 PM brb 😋🤝

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My 4th entry for ’s ac 😋🤝 might remake the other entries, I won’t make the last one since it triggers me 😔🤝

4 22

how do I tell my mom that I want to download a game where a girl kills for love? 😩🤝

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Everything is pretty normal in this fandom don’t worry 😋🤝

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Omg don’t worry this is the Danganronpa fandom 😋🤝 nice to meet ya

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