

A Naruto FAN acccount. Not an official account! Will try to blog about other things.
Proud Naruhina,Mitsuboru,and Sasukarin shipper,but multiships Naruto 🍅🍥

フォロー数:471 フォロワー数:1015

You figure it be obvious,but no. Most just see him as Naruto clone.
Or that tiny chuck that thought he looked like Sakura.

6 24

I have never seen Boruto look more like Hinata then right here.

16 138

Bro I was just looking for a Kushina gif and this popped up,and now i'm sad. Look at how happy they are,especially Naruto.

14 35

Naruto's opinion on Hinata over the years,for their anniversary.

55 166

Let me fix your tastebuds with some Inohina

1 26

Naruhina Month Day 11-Discovering Pregnancy

5 19

Find someone who looks at you the way Boruto and Mitsuki look at each other.

17 47

"Naruto was forced to marry Hinata!"

At least he actually stays with her.

19 78

I need this,but with Naruto and Boruto. Please.

31 139