

Natty, a german artist // graphic designer // visual communication student. | I'm passionate about art, video games and dnd. | she/her.
icon by @einmeegle

フォロー数:780 フォロワー数:40

anyway aziest doodle of Nell yet. Tfw when the damp air makes ur hair just a tad curly. Also Mariner's uniform and fingerless gloves ;)

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well a certain someone ( ) drew act 2 stuff for the dnd so guESS WHAT here's knife girl - also I can't be bothered to hand or leg

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digging it - the brushes vary from hard to very smooth and blend (almost too) well

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warm up doodle - quick redesign for an old OC

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papapapa pa pa patka

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it's 's beautiful son ; I'm weak for slightly roughed up boys in fancy clothes ok

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This is the most productive I have been art wise in almost a year - bless that mood to draw is coming back to me

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I changed her hair colour why do I have a thing for blondes

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