

time for some boy lovin' 🌸

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:221

I saw it on in cmoa!!! Have you read this, Pia?

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The cover already tells me that it will one angsty ride 😭

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❗love for sale spoiler ❗

Namwoo and Sieon continue their conversation, and it's pretty serious 😕

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Longtime Red Mall always delivers 🔥

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Byeonduck's drawing on the Creator's Note 🤣 Seungho's eyes are still expressive and scary in this style 🤣

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The development between Yeonwu and Taehwan!!! I can't wait for the official English chapters to catch up.

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chibi yeonwu 🥺❤

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They did not even kiss but my heart is full 😭

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❗love for sale spoiler❗

just going to focus on these panels 🥺

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