

she/her 🌱 hobbyist artist from vienna 🇦🇹

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trying to get more funky with my shapes! here’s a jesper fahey sketch

5 36

currently reading lotr the two towers and thinking about Them

132 362

*whispers* and they were girlfriends

8 39

i know i’m very late to the party but i JUST finished mando s2 and i am in denial

37 154

about one third through vicious and i’m having so much fun reading books again, so let me dump these doodles here

76 213

found this old finnpoe doodle hangin out in my procreate app, might as well unleash it now

47 153

reintroducing myself to the tl with this mid-lecture batcat doodle after today’s set pics

7 66

hand studiessss

3 49

too tired to draw so here’s various rob pats from last year for this bday occasion

66 250