

Comics, storyboard & animation artist.
Artworks acc, mostly vampire monster bi OC's stuff with a chance of NSFW.
Vent & thoughts on @Nikke_Larsen…

フォロー数:216 フォロワー数:759

Oh my, this is so nice!
Here's my fistful of spaghet.

2 6

"Excuse me, miss, but can't you keep your knife down?
I won't be able to get to your throat
If you keep on moving like a mad-man"

4 80

I need a comic story where vampire gorge themselves on human meat so bad
But that just means I must sit and draw it

Ah, and by the while, you've been noticed👁️

0 30

Okey okey its time to post something that doesn't look like trash okay
That was my work for last year's featuring some Caitiffs caught red-handed (like, literally. because theyr vampires. get it?)
Try yourself guessing their sires! ;D

0 24

Alright laddies, time to stretch your legsies w/ numbies!

0 12

part 2
And just when you thought that YOU're the uncomfortable one's friend:

0 22

When ur bro isn't paying you enough attention:

0 25