

フォロー数:323 フォロワー数:166

Small Riff redesign after seeing some fanart for something. mixed the two designs for her. I'll clean and color it another day.

1 1

Fanart of from 6, with a lil bit of creative freedom

If ever wants to make a game inspired by The Warriors and Jet Set Radio, within the SF world, I have something I can pitch 🙃

18 99



Placeholder Album Covers for the Spotify Playlists

306 songs across just the 4 (of 16) of these playlists.

2,306+ songs across all 20 playlists.

1 6

Leg design for the Vixens, compared to the Love Shocker redesign from 2018

3 11

Unapologetically pushing a hispanic agenda despite not knowing fluent Spanish

1 6