necotea | commission progressingさんのプロフィール画像

necotea | commission progressingさんのイラストまとめ

freelance artist | gamer | fandom and ocs

フォロー数:180 フォロワー数:69

I forgot to put it here, postcard design for last cf

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As always, telat

Day 17, Dancing

Untainted, pure white Lailah

Man... I can't rambles about this pict without giving spoiler away... One of my oc for a certain project. One who govern over whiteness...

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Dah tgl 22 dan aku baru ngerjain day 16... Yg penting kelar deh

Day 16, Cooking

Ada 3 bagian... Bagian ngurus lauk, bagian ngurus roti sama bagian tinggal makan *gak

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Kali ini ga telat

Day 12, Serious setting

Bayanganku yg suspense/thriller/edgy?

Ga perlu pindah dimensi/universe, asliny ja dah gitu.

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Dah telat lama lol, mending dilakuin drpd ga

Day 11, in casual clothes :

"Until we meet again, someday, somewhere"

Aslinya mau gambar yg laen, tp dr kemaren ini adegan g bs ilang dr kepala. So, why mot just draw 'em and call it a day?

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So... I did today's oceptember prompt... Er... Errrr......

Day 9, design regret...

As you see... 🙄🙄😒😒

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Barely safe... Balada kerjaan numpuk sampe

Day 7, About oc's world :

Modern day fantasy, some of it's country is really earth - like (though a lil bit more scifi), while other kinda more fantasy-like. Phone exist in that world.

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Lanjut~ Ga bisa tdur

Day 6, Enemy :

Salrosa Dynast's hero and Accursed White witch

Kinda not remembering their name because i always call them by their tittle. They're from a short story i wrote when i was a high schooler (though i lost it lol)

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Day 4, Friend :

Yue & Ziska

Nyomot anak orang lain, ziska punya Nisa Aghnia

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