

Merlin, or necro. 33.
Agender asexual bi. They/them. White.
Icon by @tuckerd_art

[email protected]

フォロー数:1020 フォロワー数:301

A bust commission for of their new warforged Swarmkeeper ranger: Hive. A good and creepy bug 'bot.

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Today, as I am slowly doing the busy work they gave us to do from home, I'm gonna talk about my eladrin: Berrian Arkenalyth. (Yes those are all him since in 5e eladrin have that seasonal thing going on.)

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Yukha, whose name I'm gonna change soon, the originally skyrim character who I might also make a D&D character. Ex-soldier, now hired bodyguard for a newly blinded, amnesiac khajiit, Kaz (Kazren'Dar). Eventually according to the old trope, they fall in love <3

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Cadliroz, Skyrim orsimer who specializes in 2-handed weapons and is an amateur naturalist who has a small journal she doodles bugs and flowers and presses petals in as she gathers them for her dunmer alchemist team-mate, Dorian.

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I may not play often, but here's to the ones I've got: Sal the half-orc bard, a runaway black-sheep from a noble family who just wants to sing songs and collect/translate plays and occasionally get into drunken brawls when someone criticizes his music in a tavern.

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We started messing around with random tables in Maze Rats and this is the guy I ended up rolling: Merrick Hardwick the gaunt and coltish cutpurse who dresses in eccentric and garish clothing. He's chipper but lazy w/ a habit of trailing off as he speaks and spouting random facts.

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Aeron has officially started disguising himself as a goliath to sneak into and around his home city without getting identified as being mysteriously still alive.

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M'rai tends not to wear shirts per se...
Does like to wear scraps and patches of loose colorful fabric though.

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