

Irish / American actor, film director , producer and screen writer ,#hollywood #movies.

フォロー数:6015 フォロワー数:32883

Today the partisan theocratic hacks on the Supreme Court, ruled that all American women are second class citizens, forbidden from making their own decisions regarding their health & bodily autonomy.

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During a convo in Aug w/ Trump, Bolton mentioned his concern over the delay of the $391M in congressionally appropriated assistance to Ukraine as a deadline neared to send the money.

Trump: No aid to UKR until they agree to give him materials re inv’ns he sought.

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Parnas & Giuliani have demolished Trump’s claims of innocence

Everyone was in the loop.

Former mafia prosecutor: It sounds like Trump associates were plotting 'a mob hit' against Marie Yovanovitch

Pompeo was aware of Yavonovitch’s ouster in February.

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Bannon testifies:

Trump campaign viewed Stone as access point to WikiLeaks (GRU)

Stone "implied" that WikiLeaks had materials that would help Trump & possibly hurt HRC's chance at the presidency.

Stone had a relationship with WikiLeaks and Julian Assange.

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✳️ Oh My6✳️

In a July 25 phone call, Trump personally urged Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky to investigate the matter.

The theory (the UKR did it) would hopefully serve to undermine any suggestion that Trump needed Russian assistance to win the election🙄

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From left to right: Dick Cheney, Prince Bandar, Condoleezza Rice, and George W. Bush, on the Truman Balcony of the White House on September 13, 2001. [Source: White House via]

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war on women: AL gov signs bill to ensure women are powerless & can be violently forced into pregnancy by rape & incest.

Oh BTW GOP wants to ensure the woman & child has no healthcare. Make no mistake GOP want to make sure all women & children are impoverished

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