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tendou teru.... tendou teru....

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oh yeah there's the oni max trust line too where he wonders if it's possible for him to charm P anymore when P has already seen him at his most candid

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attractive tendou teru saikou in saitama

i will swap this sprite out w the night pool card once i have enough medals to trade for it (😭)

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this week i finished watching kamen rider ryuki and its ending turned me into a mess. a great work with great characters, albeit plagued with the pacing issues that comes with any year-long show. anyways here was my impression of it from about 15 episodes in

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jump uploading neuro eps to YT motivated me to reread some of the manga (i jumped to the latter volumes).... i missed neuro and yako a lot. fav moment in the series is the part in the HAL arc where it becomes clear how much yako has earned neuro's trust

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i'm coughing this is so funny they replaced the ugliest mug in the entire series with the man who is engineered to be hot

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huh was looking at the new i11 victory road images in a call when this came up—and someone probably has posted this already, but—i just realized that the soccer ball has a black-white-orange doodle on it that matches this dude's hair?

(from the blog https://t.co/Tn4dQxnq3M)

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read the pokemas Halloween story and all I could think of was this

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the game: SSR cards come with outfits and you can change into them on the home screen


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