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OTD 1603 Victory assured, but M'joy's grip on Ireland tenuous. He rejected religious zealotry, fearing it could spark a rebellion 'I am loth to contradict any of their proceedings in matters of religion..a violent course..will do little good to win men's consciences #nineyearswar
OTD 1597 As Norreys gathered forces to break through to the garrison in Armagh, Tyrone suddenly relented, allowing English to pass. The earl had deliberately drawn the English out of Connacht, clearing Red Hugh O'Donnell's path to raid all the way to Galway suburbs #nineyearswar
@derekjfallon Troop with light firearms, normally calivers detached from close order 'battle'. Operate in dispersed order with gaps & intervals Often used to screen main body of army, good for harassment & operating in constricted terrain. Cott is anglicisation of 'coite' a small Irish boat
OTD 1602 Tyrone in Dungannon after a harrowing retreat north. Many deserted to shift for themselves while others drowned in swollen rivers. Worse, many Irish took their opportunity to exact their revenge & prove their loyalty to the Crown by attacking the Ulstermen #nineyearswar
OTD 1596 Confirmation of Mabel Bagenal, Countess Tyrone's death [Tyrone's 3rd wife]. Married in a protestant service in 1591. Tyrone was anything but a doting husband. His affairs and attempts to kill her brother drove her to return to Newry where she died age 24 #nineyearswar
Meanwhile near Kinsale Mountjoy received news of Tyrone's further losses while retreating north from Munster. While attempting to cross the swollen waters of the River Blackwater (Co. Cork) 'lost many of his carriages, and had some 140 of his men drowned'
OTD 1599 Enfant terrible Capt Humfrey Willis proposed plot of forts in Ulster, inc. Derry, Lifford, B'shannon, Cavan, Armagh, C'fergus, Coleraine and Toome. His incursion into Fermanagh sparked war in 1593. Fought throughout but killed in mopping up op. summer 1602 #nineyearswar
Occasionally a bit turns up from the Troubles. Watergate from the former Masserine barracks site. Royal Marine patrols used this to access L. Neagh during the 90s, in a quirk of history its (almost) the same place Chichester raided from 1600-1602 #nineyearswar #defenceheritageNI
Carew convinced O'Connor to capture Desmond in a complex plot, using O'Connors wife Margaret to convince him, threw in £1000 as sweetener, but plot miscarried & Desmond escaped. Tibbot hanged O'Connor and sent his head to Galway. Margaret, did OK, she still got money & pension
Mountjoy did his best for the troops, establishing a hospital at Cork. Their money was delivered to them to buy food in the market and Sir Robert Gardiner appointed commissioner for their care. Officer donated £50 per week to provide 'warm broth, meat and lodging' for the sick