

I like to draw and play/cry over video games. ¤ Please don't repost my art w/o my permission ¤ i swear i don't actually tweet that much

フォロー数:288 フォロワー数:301

*dumps my late 2020 year art summary and runs*

3 4


16 20

request of pochi from world's end club for 😊

18 33

my full piece for
🔪 ← 🖼 || 🎈 → 🌟

which branch did you go with first?

120 165

lelouch ♟

15 24

snippets (requiem)

37 60

snippets (assento dele)

144 132

michel from the house in fata morgana! a genuine angel..

104 137

another year another yusuke birthday!!!

31 59