

Professional Doodler and your 2nd favourite gay mom. 🌈 • she/her • ✨

フォロー数:301 フォロワー数:30602

Practicing with procreate by drawing a dragon three ways

47 481

I accidentally drew a Sharkpup‘a back legs too long and it looked like a Sharkfrog.

145 789

One Sharkpup, Two Sharkpup, Three Sharkpup, Four!

88 449

Walking the new puppy

108 694


The way Zoga’s design has been haunting me all weekend, it’s so good.

29 232

I had a good day for drawing and will now have a bad day for my back. Remember to take breaks and stretch!

14 199

Changed up my profile pic! Princess Dinosaur was lovely but I missed my (cat)face.

5 270

Happy Bunny Day! 🐰

44 349