


フォロー数:448 フォロワー数:171

as cool as would be as Calvin Ellis or Val Zod, he fits that Clark Kent physique to a T, zero muscle padding needed

16 197

quick question for any artists or anyone else who can answer
what's your redesign for bruce wayne? not batsuit wise, but for bruce himself

theres a lot of ways artists have interpreted him and im curious to see how others handle him

3 43

im just saying this would've been better. im just saying this could've been acceptable

1 24


Mason Alexander Park as Joker

7 48

a dc alternate universe based on a few concepts of mine. ive been commissioning artists to get my ideas visualized. clark is currently getting finalized, bruce and the batsuit is gonna get some adjustments

1 11

by ask-whitebag on tumblr

241 8064