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@SaljuNativa (gomen mama salju didnt know it)
I will explain it then, mastah neo's other self are actually two of us split by half which my nee chan and myself hahaha we both are mastah's other half since he has two personalities but kept me hidden
Left is nee-chan and right is myself
@SaljuNativa Mama face reveal?!!! Suge!!! sasuga mama
Wangy wangy moment!!! Right nee chan?
(Again?!! Well mama salju-san is cute thou)
Neo: for real thou kinda interesting
Deshou mastah nee-chan hahaha
"Nee..which is more cute my human self or my lust self? Ara ara kawaii nee seeing your face blushing red honto nii ningen omoshiroi desho my other self truly entertaining it is"
Ara watashi? Neo desu lust mode kawaii desho well neo has two form to begin with,nee chan and myself
Playing around with the pic crew as well hahaha
Trying to do an reverse gender of myself hahaha
its been a while since i do this but ikuzo!!! hahaha
OhaNeo minna-sama gokigenyou!!!
i hope everyone will have a great day today
@LoliShelter Hahaha i have a weird taste gomen
But yeah its arranged based on the rank mio was first cos i am "married" to her(pls dont kill me)hahaha and i arranged in new year theme hahaha