

Rajang fan girl. Just tweets sh*t about games mostly Monster Hunter and PSO2. Doomscroller. No Minors.

フォロー数:640 フォロワー数:382

I wish there was a JoJo mini that is just Gappy sitting in a room with OG Kira, OG Josuke and Jotaro and Gappy has to explain to the three of them who in the actual f**k he is. That would be funny.

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Your always happy so I drew you as Kirby :D

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Four monsters that I hope turn up in Sunbreak. The reason for the last one? Well a Tigrex turned up in Peace Walker so why not return the favour.

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A random thought that is guaranteed to give you wood.

Morag from XBC2 wearing Morrigan's outfit.

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Zelda fans have it good on Switch as last time I looked there was a Zelda game launched each year on the Switch. Five years my ass. F-Zero fans are the guys who have it hard.

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Omicr..*cough* I mean Embracer group at it again.

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Recycled Dreamcast stand jokes aside If you have a Playstation try these games. More so the Gravity Rush games.

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Scorned Magnamalo kinda looks like Infinite without his mask. Nerg most likely thinks is ass is weak.

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If Capcom ever brings Dodogama back to Monster Hunter he should be given the kelbi treatment as in you can not kill or capture the best boi only knock him out.

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