Exit: A Biodelic Adventure starts hereさんのプロフィール画像

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure starts hereさんのイラストまとめ

Exit: A Biodelic Adventure is on sale now! #biopunk #scifi #surreal #indiedev #gamedev #cyberpunk

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The first rule of Killer Tongue Club is: You do not bite your tongue. The second rule of Killer Tongue Club is: You DO NOT BITE YOUR TONGUE!

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A weapon symbiont supplemented with cold steel, offering poisonous or virulent combinations.

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Glowfish: A bioluminescent organism used as a flashlight, but in a pinch, its sharp toothy mouth could be used for self-defense.

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Biovisor gives infrared and ultraviolet vision, 360 degress view, sense of electromagnetic fields.

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