

dev • he/him • 27 • i share a brain cell w my sister @chilledcassidy • skapunk bug ttrpg enjoyer • no gods no masters • draws??

フォロー数:493 フォロワー数:182

i was gonna wait to post this until i had the entire icon set done, but i have a lot of drawing to do so it’ll be a bit
^-^” so consider this a sneak peak

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i drew @/thegeekyesthi ‘s char tenari!! :>

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happy twosday! drew @/morganlthomason's tiefling, arin :>

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test doodle for my goblin engineer ferryman Evren, for a friend's original ttrpg :>

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please listen to the shadowrun comedy actualplay Neoscum

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and capping it off with these wheee thanks for reading

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>10% battery is prime time for doodling cats on your phone

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here’s what it would look like if i compressed my dog into a cube

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