

Darling I'm just a gay teen dressed like a nightmare ( that's how that goes right?) I draw more then just crit role I promise~ (Oc's and fanart and more oh my)

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I don't really use pink as much as I could, I want to try it out more. ( Also I'm pretty proud of this drawing in general not at all)

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Hi im Batty Bee noob convention artist, noob fanartist (dead set only realised I can draw fanart this year) with aspirations of living off my art and being a comic artist and author some day! still baby artist but goals to go to art school next year! Support me please?

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I have a few idea's for like webcomic's, the only problem is finding the time to draw them. Like do you guys wanna read about a demon and a falling star? I did a mock up cover for it

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I'm a baby artist but all means, and I'm still learning and solidifying my style, and I hope to go to school for art next year but I've got a lot of big idea's and a lot of things brewing in the works. I've also recently started doing conventions! It was a learning experience

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Here have a 2 year old drawing I did in MS paint before I could afford Photoshop ( tbh I still can't afford it but adobe owns my soul ) I've been wanting to re-do it in my actual style for a while so might see more of her?

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Just gonna post some of the art I couldn't post before Goldnova so heres the OG drawing from the Caleb and Nott stickers/bookmarks I made

I adore them

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aaahhh im so happy with how this turned out, im in looove i did my childhood proud DAYUM

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Sup, I'm Jax, or Batty Bee, I'm a noob artist fresh outta highschool and I desperately want to do art as a career. I don't want much but if I can spoil my cat and feed my coffee addiction then I'll be happy. I draw anything that comes to mind, if It's fun I'll probably try it

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Im just.... drawing. For drawings sake. Its relaxing to not have any pressure. It can be as weird as I want it to be. I love this weird ass drawing.

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I adore all the Ghibli movies, and this is one of my favourite.I had to draw at least one print for this movie ( TBH I reaaally want to do more when I can do personal art)

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