

A platform for the People.

Created by Gerald Tighe.

The power of the People is absolute.

フォロー数:1370 フォロワー数:3144

This is just a dramatic way to say "buy my shit plz" :P

Idgaf, this is inevitable ^.^

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The Resistance Phase 1:

✅Experiment and create useful feedback loops
✅Begin growing a strong network
✅Create functional revenue streams

Phase 1 has been completed :D

Stay tuned for more info about Phase 2...

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Are you saying this is a weird thing to buy?

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Just wanted to thank all my Holders for their time, trust, and friendship.

It means more than having a big treasury ;)

When we have one watch what happens ^.^

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3.) Human Connection

I don't even care about any of the rewards and stuff I get from NFTs I own.

It's fun at the time but the thing that delivers every day is meeting really cool people.

It sounds cliche but that's the only thing that really has value anyway...

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I've decided that I have to change my perspective about completely in order for it to work.

I keep trying to be a step ahead... like "ok ill be early to AI and have a huge advantage and I have a really solid skill set to back that up" which does work...

But... I…

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Resistance badges are meant to spread the cause and help create cash flow for a variety of purposes.

Each Holder may submit one piece of art that symbolizes what creating a better World means to them.

These will be made into NFTs and sold on various blockchains.

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I really like the way you did this video.

Almost like a short little tutorial...

Everything looks great!

Well done <3


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A different approach to networking ✊

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