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@Zeneca_33 gm, @Zeneca_33,
call to art lovers to mobilize & help Ukraine to defend the freedom in the world.
Mint @nft_uardians, receive digital art as NFT + physical metal poster from @Displate.
Proceeds save lives of the heroes.
Help mobilize your community, tag them below.
Thank you.
@uamemesforces gm,
call to art lovers to mobilize & help Ukraine to defend the freedom in the world.
Mint @nft_uardians, receive digital art as NFT + physical metal poster from @Displate.
Proceeds save lives of the heroes.
Help mobilize your community, tag them below.
#mobilization #NFTforGood
In addition to 12 hear styles UArdians have 8 headwear choices. All in a 100 pieces collection!
In 100 pieces original special collection @nft_uardians have 12 hair choices.👩🦰
#UniqueNFT #ArtNFT #SpecialNFTcollection #NFTforGood
We start every day and every week knowing we have to do everything for our heroes to win and to live.
Every minted NFT, every piece of UArdians gear is a contribution to the free future of Ukraine and the free world.
the art is on the public blockchain for everyone to enjoy,
still it's up to you to help people discover the treasures.
#nft_discovery #nft_exploration #nft_experience #nft_art
Drawings that capture:
-historical events
-beauty of the nature and human courage
-modern warfare
-cultural artifacts
-your personal story that connects you with the above.
learn more at uardians . com
Cultural movement. Transcending the ultimate experiences into the art, folklore, memes...
@nft_uardians is a perpetual force of good.
Every time UArdian is collected, primary and secondary proceeds are sent to save lives of the heroes standing for the free world. Be on the right side of history.