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We are leading the NFT for Good movement. Join.
@nft_uardians are ambassadors of peace.
The sooner we win, the sooner we live in peace.
Approaching Victory one #NFT at a time.
Every @nft_uardians is making an impact, contributing into the world's defense and resilience.
We are the #NFT force of good.
@nft_uardians artist @Natashale777 creates for people and has people's ❤️. Every art piece receives over 7000 endorsements on the platform with no monetary incentives alone.
Treasure her art, and remember, every @nft_uardians you mint saves lives of the heroes who stand for us.
+ Purchase #NFT with cc/crypto
+ Receive metal poster from @Displate
+ Save lives of the heroes
+ Join brave and loving #community
+ Streetwear
+ Your name written in the world's history
+ Woman artist support @Natashale777
+ Spread some love
Mint at uardians(.)com
🎁 Minting @nft_uardians with card or crypto, you receive a gift:
✅ Handmade in EU metal poster from @Displate
✅ With every poster Displate plants a tree 🌳
✅ Easy set up, switch, combine, safe for your walls
✅ Your proceeds save lives of the heroes
Mint at UArdians(.)com
❗️Mint alert
@nft_uardians Season I
1/1 #NFT Collection🎇
UArdians are the brave guardians of freedom, people and land. 🗽
📲 Join the Whitelist https://t.co/FEPPCwhWvM
Like, share, comment, spread some ❤
#NFTCommunity #NFTMintAlert #Kharkiv #Konotop #Kossack #NFTforGood
@nft_uardians are saving lives together with @serhiyprytula and @razomforukraine foundations' emergency response. 💙💛
Art saves lives.
When you mint #nft at UArdians(.)com we send tactical medicine to the heroes defending our freedom.
Be brave.
Be UArdian.
dziękuję Polsko/thank you #Poland for standing with #Ukraine in this fight against public enemy. Much love and gratitude from Ukrainians.
Artwork by @nft_uardians magician @Natashale777