Nick Loweさんのプロフィール画像

Nick Loweさんのイラストまとめ

Comic Book Editor, Great Dancer. All opinions are my own! Ask me anything at…

フォロー数:1245 フォロワー数:21426

BOOK OF THE WEEK! AMAZING SPIDER-MAN I'm way partial, but I love this book so much. EVERYONE's favorite new character Paul is back and Spidey's in deep trouble. And that's all I'm saying to avoid spoiling anything.

5 38

There's 's awesome contribution, awesome MJ cover, 's ridiculously awesome one, Jim Cheung's too!

6 26

There are also awesome variants if you're into them! Like the first of a connecting series, master & master 's variant, Hidden Gem by JRSR & ...

13 77

Also wanted to spotlight something that's not my book but that I love and am proud of: SPIDER-PUNK and SO GOOD! Love Hobie and this team!

3 19

SPIDER-WOMAN Last issue of this INCREDIBLE , nay AMAZING series. Pere Perez! Frankie D'Armata! This issue is UNREAL! You are not ready for this revolution of awesomeness. I love and will miss this book so much!!!

2 13

MILES MORALES: SPIDER-MAN This arc is NUTS!!!! Don't miss Chris Allen !!!

1 3

A killer (literally?) second issue of SAVAGE SPIDER-MAN!!!! Victor Nava !!! Cover by

3 12

SPIDER-WOMAN is sort of a "AND NOW FOR SOMETHING COMPLETELY DIFFERENT" issue and it's gold thanks to Pere Perez Frankie D

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DEVIL'S REIGN: SPIDER-MAN turned out SO GREAT! Such a good action extravaganza and great stealth BEYOND tie-in! Cover by

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MILES MORALES Another wowzer. Luigi Zagaria Awesome cover by !!! Big conclusion to the Assessor Saga!

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