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Another ~Guess the MV~ Daily Doodle ^^
I think I accidentally drew Steve Rogers hehe

15 22

Monbebe I was just the victim of the weekly auntie-attack bugging me TO NO END about why I’m still single and ‘why can’t you just say yes to that nice fella?’ typical...So I’m turning green here. Can you share MX pics pleeeeease? I need ‘em!
Also, I made a CK 😅

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Since it’s today’s Daily Doodle is a 🐰🐢 Special Edition 😛
And now, a tag combo! ⬇️↘️➡️⬇️↘️➡️🅿️💥

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I’m still set on getting these anyway!

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Since it’s Monbebe Selca Day and I’m an ugly potato, have a 🐰 selca for today’s Daily Doodle instead ^^

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