

37, I draw Funny monsters and dudes I guess?

フォロー数:292 フォロワー数:8435

Narigama work doodle
Painting without using layer modes, until I corrected the fur color with overlay.

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Doodle break, I forgot how to draw her 😅

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Dental surgery....I... need to lie down...

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Dammit finally let go of the game! I'm tryna time manage open world games and productivity. I knew they're time sinks, but I still gotta function IRL!

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My face drawing tend to devolve and I have to relearn everything every month!! I tend to get stuck on the middle one because I find it very expressive.

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A Japanese Chin!
These puppers are super cute! They're oddly not-dog looking? Kinda supernatural in a way, like if I see one I won't think it's a dog at first glance 🥴

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New pfp since the festivities have come to rest.
Thank you for giving this socially inept cave dwelling troglodyte, that makes sh*post-arts your time and friendship, even though Imma cold sunavabinch. I appreciate it, although clumsily 🥴

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