

37, I draw Funny monsters and dudes I guess?

フォロー数:292 フォロワー数:8435

Antarctic scale worm, they look so cool!

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A fluffy bag carrier and a sceptre I mistook for a spoon, then a back scratcher.

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You're right! Why didn't I notice 😆

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I shall pretend to be professional! Nah, these are just composition practice XD I want to draw better backgrounds.

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A pretty Tsukumogami lady and a sad, sad bell man.

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I want an Iggy! But He'll just eat my hair :U

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I saw this on a Yokai picture scroll. It's cute, but WHAT IS IT??!! A Fox byurd? Byurd Derg??? What are you!! You strange animal-creature-monster thing?

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Happy New Year, Everyone! Yokai would find any excuse to party don't they?

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