niken sugitoさんのプロフィール画像

niken sugitoさんのイラストまとめ

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Harusnya buat kalender tahun ini. Tapi karna suatu & lain hal akhirnya ga jadi.

Cek buat tau ceritanya yaa 💜 makasi yg udah nanyain, semoga tahun depan bisa bikin kalender dg tema yg happy 🙆🏻‍♀️

3 8

"Seekor burung tumbuh di atas kepalanya. Cuit cuit cuit"


1 5

Hi Ganesh! Salam kenal 🙋🏻‍♀️aku ikutan ya!
I'm Niken, a visual storyteller.
You can see my online portfolio on:
Thank you! 💖

3 24

Day 5: from Spain

Once when the little girl shopping at the market, she found a little shop selling accessories like hats and mustache! She tried "the Dali" mustache and giggling. She must be looked so funny.⁣

3 3

My son when it's time to study. Bengong dan ga dengerin gurunya sama sekali 😐

3 22

hi, Ciara! thank you for this. I'm looking for rep agent or publisher and my goal is illustrate for children's books. here are examples of my work.

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hello it's niken here. i'm a visual storyteller from Indonesia. I love narrative illustration & merchandise, & currently looking for rep agent. thank you!


3 7

Hai, Devita dan temen2 lainnya. Kenalin aku Niken, visual storyteller dan product designer.
Ini bbrp karyaku yg paling aku suka. Mostly karna ada perasaan tertentu pas bikin. As a little wish, mau banget dapet project buku anak. Thank you 💕

1 23

Time lapse gambar kemarin. Awalnya mau bikin character development (karna ku selalu gagal di situ). Ujungnya malah gambar begini. Selalu 😅

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