

🥟 animator and digital artist but here I just look for the funnies
| nikobloop everywhere

フォロー数:110 フォロワー数:25

I love that Fiscl's in-universe outfit is the most "OC, DONT STEAL" design I've ever seen, complete with the red eyes, eye patch on one of them, ribbons and ruffles everywhere, and the DEEPEST purple money can buy because she read it was a symbol of royalty once

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It's for !

Hadn't drawn Nessa before and I honestly thought she had more braids, so I gave her some anyway

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Bonus round for overly realistic eyes of my ocs lol

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If only I could add more than 4

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Clem concept art 🍊🌸

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♡ I need to post more here so take fanart of my friend's ocs! I smooches them all

♡ All ocs belong to :
slempy boi Somn 🌟
shemp baby Pey 🐏
angey feesh Naia 🐟
babie Min-Min 🌸

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