Nightmares & Daydreams Podcastさんのプロフィール画像

Nightmares & Daydreams Podcastさんのイラストまとめ

Join Roque & Max chatting about myths, legends, & folklore.

フォロー数:461 フォロワー数:310

Eager listeners curious what the upcoming second season will bring starting in February? Here are some clues via the inimitable art of IrenHorrors from DeviantArt. While you figure out some of what's coming, catch up on any episodes you might have missed:

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Legendarily, there is a school of dark magic in Transylvania, the Scholomance, run by the Devil who teaches initiates the magic arts of the Solomonari. The best graduate is chosen as the Weathermaker, & rides a dragon, controlling the wind & storms.

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40 years ago this month, the D&D module, Keep on the Borderland, was published! 😮

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Yule Cat (Jólakötturinn) is a large & cranky kitty lurking in the Icelandic snow drifts during Yule & eats people who've not received new clothes to wear before Christmas Eve.🎄😾

Art by Marina Vereshchagina

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Was Sorcerer's Apprentice inspired by Φιλοψευδὴς ἢ Ἀπιστῶν, a 2nd century story by Lucian of Samosata? 🧙‍♂️🧹

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Perhaps inspired by Jewish legends of creation, Paracelsus and other late-medieval alchemists began to investigate methods for the creation of a an artificial humanoid.

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The Peasant & the Devil made a deal. The peasant could have treasure if the Devil got 1/2 his yield for 2 yrs. The farmer tricked him twice & won all the crops & treasure!
Art by TurtleApproved on Deviant Art

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We love and we love so we LOVE 's new "Eberron: Rising from the Last War!" Available at Amazon or, even better, at your local game shop. In Austin, we love and .

Go save the world...again!

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