

✨professional inquiries through e-mail only: [email protected]

💜21+ she/her

✨🚫no A.I. or N.F.T.s🚫

フォロー数:129 フォロワー数:486



A commission...series!

One was done at the beginning of the year, one around the middle, and one was finished at the end! You can kind of see my style evolve as a result, haha.

These are for 's personal use only! Thank you! ;o;💙

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Was commissioned to draw Kiara! 🔫It's an icon commission so only the client gets the version without the watermark plastered across her face, sorry!

16 54

She's done.~
I'm hoping to turn this one into a print at some point, so the actual file is kind of massive.

This is Bloom, my mascot of sorts.

5 9


Sorry about the watermark on her face, but it's for an icon commission, so only the client gets the unmarked version.

Process gif is on my patreon! Link in the pinned tweet because apparently twitter hates people promoting themselves.

4 11

I have no explanation except that Ina ✨Sparks Joy ✨
and I wanted to draw her in this kind of outfit.

12 47

Another one for ~

I included both full body versions since one of them has a reference of the back view.~

For the client's use only! Commissions are currently closed but they'll be opening up again soon.

First ever commission done in 💜✨

6 14

This is a commisson for ( )!

Thank you for your continued support! 😭💜

My commission slots are full at the moment, but I'll tweet my information once they're open again!

14 28

How will twitter crop this one, I wonder.

Commisson for
Thank you so much for helping me out! ;v;

9 66

I didn't get to do anything elaborate this year, since I'm fortunate enough to have commissions and stuff to do. Happy birthday, Lucina.~

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