

Sporadic movie blogger, co-host of @AmicusHere. Great admirer of classic cinema & James Bond. Amateur dabbler in history.

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Good morning everyone 🌟

& happiest of Fridays! I’m going to take a mystery out of ’s book and ask for who you’d like to see play Phillip Marlowe from today’s actors.

I think Benicio del Toro would be excellent. He has that world weariness about him

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13 Rue Madeleine (1947). This movie is absolutely breakneck! Things move so quickly and in such expected ways that you cannot possibly guess what will happen. Cagney and Conte are brilliant. The ending will rip out your heart, eat it & spit it out. But it’s great.

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Happiest of heavenly birthdays to one of my favourite directors


His contribution to Hammer and the larger horror community is incalculable. He showed that horror could be colourful & beautifully lit, but still sinister & sexy. Four of my faves:

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NIGHTMARE ALLEY (1947). Tyrone Power’s best performance. His metamorphosis throughout is incredible, especially at the end, when his eyes are hollow shells of their past lustre. Colleen Gray, Joan Blondell & Helen Walker give excellent supporting performances.

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Happiest of birthdays to Rita Moreno!

“It is through art that we will prevail and we will endure.”

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Day 22: Great Cinematography

For my own challenge I said OUT OF THE PAST, so for this one, I’ll highlight the brilliant ON DANGEROUS GROUND. George E Diskant beautifully balances urban decay, & the pitiless wasteland of the Great North

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Good night everyone 💙

I’ve decided to reread all of Jane Austen’s novels, so here are Greer Garson and Laurence Olivier in the 1940 adaptation of “Pride and Prejudice”.

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Good morning everyone 🖤

Here are some of my fave pictures of Lake and Ladd for no other reason than that they were both beautiful

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I know this may seem like an odd question given the nature of Film Noir, but I wanted to ask what some of your fave ones with happy endings are. I’ve had a tough week & I want to watch noir for but I want some hope 😂

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CLUNY BROWN (1946). I really enjoyed this film. It’s acerbic wit and biting criticism of the British class system is brilliant. Jennifer Jones gives a charming performance, as does Charles Boyer. The entire cast is fabulous! Especially Richard Haydn,Sara Allgood & Ernest Cossart.

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