

Welcome to Nona Gallery, I'm the artist Nona and this is a chronicle of my art, ideas, and adventures. Thank you for stopping by!

フォロー数:1235 フォロワー数:2039

Also available online from today, extra thick double-sided Modern Monster Art Prints, with a mini fact sheet and comic on the back🍑
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P is for Patasola - Or "One Leg", is a vampire-like creature from South America, who appears in the form of a beautiful woman with a single leg which allows her to move extremely fast, outrunning most humans🏃🦇

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O is for Orang Bunian - Benevolent beings from Malaysian and Indonesian folklore, who are completely invisible except to those with “spiritual sight”👻📸

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N is for Nûñnë'hï - Immortal spirit people from Cherokee mythology, they only appear to humans when they allow themselves to be seen. When they do appear, they look and act just like other Cherokee🤘

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A tale in three acts.


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Less than 48 hours are left to secure your Talismans before the Kickstarter ends!⌛️😲

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Just did a little interview with the awesome website it’s a great website for information for artists and creative people. Definitely worth checking out👍

In other news I may be subconsciously obsessed with Dune😅

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M is for Moosleute - or Moss Folk are dwarf-like creatures from the forests of Germany🌿 they are known to emerge from their woodland homes during epidemics to show humans which medicinal herbs will ward off the plague affecting them💉

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I don’t know what I want more, her umbrella☂️ or her dress🐻

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