sara @ looking for workさんのプロフィール画像

sara @ looking for workさんのイラストまとめ

(NOT ACTIVE, Please find me elsewhere! ✨)
Story Artist, Illustrator & Dirt kid. she/her. [email protected]

フォロー数:1771 フォロワー数:20874

waaaaa! here's my piece from , this was such a lovely project to work on from the people to the art they made & it all turned out beautiful!! Thanks to for organizing all this and helping out such a wonderful group of artists!!

91 404

tysm for all the love!! srry if i cant reply to everyones comments but im very touched by all the support! blue moon had many ups & downs between faculty & myself+ lots & lots of nights where i was unsure if the effort & love i devoted was even worth it so thank u thank u thank u

21 234

now these...these are friends

1132 4012

tryin to get back into drawing by watchin pushing daisies.. i love emerson and all his cozies

25 258

things that are infinite: my love for this boy...

53 370

hey guys! u wont believe this but i'm watching anime again

776 4459

AH!! i cant wait to share this but here's the teeniest preview of my piece from hehehe soft content preorders r march 16th!!

38 281