

フォロー数:568 フォロワー数:2516


15 76

JILING 😭😭😭😭😭😭

73 389

JILING 😭😭😭😭😭😭

205 1006

tyk ad ep 6 subs here, subbed directly in the pop-up comments! tune in for wen kexing’s little song 🤩

91 312

art by @ D头画圈圈

Only may your heart mirror mine, our longing for each other will not be let down.

88 184

art by

Yes, this is how I imagined you in my heart: unlike the flowery dandies of Luoyang, unlike the glamorous courtesans of Dongting’s upper story, your complexion is far from colorful—simply black and white—but only can this complement your rich, ink-blot eyes…

52 138

art by

Mandarins grown south to the Huai River are mandarins, but grown north, they are bitter oranges.

—I’ve come to realize, of all people I’ve met in my life, you’re the one most suited to my taste…

58 166

tyk audio drama episode 5 eng subs are up on the top! in which wenzhou put on another circus show 🎪😔

174 542

tyk audio drama ep 3 subs are here, subbed directly in the comments!! this is the first paid episode so let me know if you need help accessing it. pls tune in for wenzhou clownery in the cave 😔

158 458