

28 | she/they?? | idolm@ster | danmei | baihe | hsr

フォロー数:493 フォロワー数:262

okay it’s about time for me to go to sleep but i’ve had a good noriko day! i love this girl so much and i’m excited for noriko day part 2 when i wake up because it is now finally noriko day where i actually live

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noriko is truly the cutest ever and no one and nothing will ever change my mind for all eternity

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i found a nail stamping kit at walmart that has rose patterns so tonight i’m gonna try to do some low budget white day noriko nails💛 there’s a good chance i’ll fuck it up but i’m gonna try!!

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she is just so pretty and i cannot get over it

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on to earrings that are not stars!

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she really likes stars okay maybe most people don’t associate her with stars more than other idols but noriko LOVES stars (also i’m counting that last one even though it’s not a 5 point star)

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queens of vibrant yellow image color

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