Caitlin Nothhardさんのプロフィール画像

Caitlin Nothhardさんのイラストまとめ

Senior Artist at Workinman Interactive. Follow me for art and then realize I rarely post art. she/her

フォロー数:458 フォロワー数:332

Also converted Pearl and Marina, but they're a bit janky since those weren't actually pixel art to begin with.

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Took some of my pixel art chibis and had them converted into tiles for if anyone wants to use them. Sadly they don't fit the space super well since they weren't specifically designed for this purpose.

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If you need some Sprig for your walls or clothes, I went and used to convert some pixel art of him I had previously done into a usable Animal Crossing tile.

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my result was "normal" which is a tad dull, but at least these are some real cute animal villagers.

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Well, the cryptid girl pins that I was going to sell at arrived today. Bad news is the con is cancelled, good news is I love these girls and wanna draw them more.

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Thanks for the thread. I work as an artist at a small game studio, but in my free time I still like to just draw cute stuff and make pixel art.

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Quick mockup to get an idea of what my yeti girl will look like as a wooden pin, plus the in-progress designs of 4 other cryptid girls. I want to add one more to the batch, so I'm thinking of adding Nessie, but I'd also be curious if anyone has any other they'd suggest.

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If anyone wants to follow me, I mostly post art and other nerd stuff.

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Working on some new cryptid girl pins, but I'm having a hard time making some final decisions regarding the Bigfoot girl. Trying to decide between two colors for her hair and three different bang styles/whether her ears should be visible. Would love feedback.

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Can't wait until comes out! So before that consumes all of my free time, here's a couple cute little Isabelles.

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